
The West-MEC Alliance is a nonprofit education foundation focused on the success of West-MEC’s career and technical education (CTE) students.

We collaborate with our community, business partners and industry sponsors to enhance educational opportunities to enrich lives and advance workforce development in our state and region.

Your charitable contributions provide West-MEC students with the resources required to complete their CTE programs and pursue industry certifications. Here are a few examples of the needs of West-MEC students:

  • To provide a competitive advantage, all West-MEC programs align with industry-recognized certifications. Earning a certification can be the determining factor for employment. Students qualifying for Free or Reduced Lunch (a common indicator for low socio-economic standing) are often unable to pay for their certification exams.
  • West-MEC provides exceptional CTE programs to high school and adult learners at a relatively low cost. There are, however, program fee and related expenses that limit the opportunity for learners to participate in West-MEC programs. Donors can support low-income students by contributing to enrollment-related costs to attend West-MEC.
  • Once enrolled at West-MEC, students often find barriers to fully participating in their respective CTE programs. These barriers include costs for transportation, attire, and/or equipment. Charitable contributions help support students who may not be able to afford the transportation necessary to attend, the attire necessary to participate, and the equipment necessary to practice.